
You can’t pick where you come from but you can always choose where you end up.
— Jessica Bates-Stroud

Though Jess has seen darkness, she is always full of light. She has had to make difficult decisions, challenge her surroundings and fight for her future. But along the way she has proved her resilience, held onto her spirit, and remained incredibly loyal and kind. Meet Jess. This is her story.


P: Please introduce yourself!

J: Hi I'm Jessica, I am 26 (almost 27) years old. I live in Ontario, Canada. I have 3 sisters, and they all are moms now. I work for the Ministry of Transportation, registering vehicles, imports from out of province and out of country, while completing dealership licencing as well (of course the easy peasy renewals of drivers licenses and health insurance). I'm currently living with my boyfriend and one of my longest girlfriends. Lockdown has been a series of new foods, baking, and an abundance of videos games.

P: Please describe or define yourself in your own words!

J: I can be very particular, so particular sometimes that is it painful for me. Of course, my opinion about myself would be very different from the opinion others would have. I think I can be nurturing - unless you are my plants than I over water you, or under water you…haha.

P: What is your favourite thing about yourself?

J: My favourite things about myself would also probably be the worst things about myself. For example, I have this thing about loyalty. I am so loyal to the people I love most, even when they do wrong to me.

I can be very forgiving, time and time again - to the point where it drives those around me mad when they witness family constantly abusing this quality of mine.


P: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that has defined you or made you stronger?

When I was 19 I packed up 2 suitcases and left for British Columbia. I was at a breaking point in my life where I needed to make a decision about where I wanted my life to go. I didn't want to fall around drugs, alcohol and having babies at a young age (as this was a cycle in my life). I moved in with my aunt and uncle who I have only met once before deciding to go. My mom was very supportive. My uncle gave me discipline I've never encountered in my life. He and my aunt pushed me so hard to accomplish really smalls things that felt next to impossible for me to accomplish. I say small because to everyone else they are small goals, but from the world I came from, they were giant leaps.

From them I received constructive criticism like no other, like how to say "okay" instead of "I know" (because clearly I didn't know and that's why I was always in trouble). I also had to do things on my own. I was always alone unfortunately, but I grew from it (And so did my anxiety!!!!). But I learned a lot in my time here.


I know for a fact If I never went to live with my aunt and uncle, my life wouldn't be the way it is now and I wouldn't be who I am now. And I have learned to love myself so much since then.

P: What is one piece of advice your give to your younger self?

J: To never lose hope, to always be curious, to follow my heart. You can't pick where you come from but you can always choose where you end up.



