
You have so much life to live AND give...there may be dark days but always look for the light.
— Jacky Lee

Jacky's resilience has enabled her to endure adversity, starting from being abandoned on the side of a rural road at the age of five, holding her infant sister. Her journey from that difficult beginning to becoming a mother and grandmother, as well as a successful model, is a testament to her strength. Jacky's modeling work not only showcases the beauty of greying hair but also inspires other women to embrace the same. She stands as a survivor, a fighter, and an empowering leader. This is her story.

P: Please introduce yourself!

J: My name is Stefanie, but I prefer Jacky Lee (My name on all my documentation prior to adoption).

P: Describe or define yourself in your own words.

J: I am a proud grandma, artist and a Korean Adoptee who have DNA tested.

P: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that has defined you or made you stronger?

J: My Korean mother made the difficult decision to relinquish me along with my younger sister around the age of 5. I found myself on a dirt road holding on to my baby sister not understanding what was going on. That moment defined who I would be for years to come....I am resilient.

P: What is one piece of advice you’d give your younger self?

J: I would tell my younger self, you have so much life to live AND give...there may be dark days but always look for the light.

P: What does being a woman mean to you?

J: Being a woman means to me is the ability to evolve while maintaining a certain softness all the while protecting and building my strengths.

P: Who is one woman that inspires you? What would you say if they were here now

J: The woman who inspires me is Insooni, we are both biracial (Korean and Black) and born 1957 post war Korea. Korea was a very homogenous society and rejected children like us. However she rose above the racial hardships and became an iconic singer that Korea adores.

I would tell her, I love you and thank you for showing me what resilience looks like.



