
Being a women in todays world means believing in yourself - that you can do anything you set your mind to. Having confidence in yourself and being able to encourage and support other strong women.
— Sarah Mckeown

Sarah is a voracious learner and explorer. She's happiest when she's out in nature or engrossed in a good book. Sarah is is currently pursuing her MBA, which has always been a dream of hers. Alongside her academic pursuits, she runs @sarahsbookscase, a blog where she shares all of her favourite novels, from thrillers to young adult, biographies, and fantasy. Sarah is an empath who navigates life with curiosity and confidence. This is her story.

P: Please introduce yourself.

S: Hello hello! My name is Sarah McKeown and I am 25 years old - living in Ontario, Canada. 

P: Describe or define yourself in your own words.

S: I am a very hardworking and confident individual. Confidence has not always been a strong suit for me – however over the last few years of work experience, as well as school, I have learned more about myself and my abilities. I have a passion for being outdoors (downhill skiing especially!), and reading. I love suggesting books to others and have recently created a blog for my favourite reads!

P: What is your favourite thing about yourself?

S: I would say my favourite things about myself would be my determination to accomplish the goals I have set out for myself, as well as my empathy towards others. I have a big heart and will do anything for the ones I love. 

P: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that’s defined you or made you stronger?

S: I am not sure if this is my defining moment in my life; however, achieving my personal goal of completing my MBA has been on my mind for years. During the pandemic I was at a bit of a standstill and not sure what my next step was. I had worked and prepared for a few years to go back to school and support myself, and last December decided it was time to apply and take the leap. I have just finished my first term and already see a difference in myself and know this was the right choice for me.

P: What is one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?

S: Relax. I have spent too much time worrying and overthinking things in my adolescent years. Life is short and you need to look after yourself. 

P: What does being a women mean to you?

S: Being a women in todays world means believing in yourself - that you can do anything you set your mind to. Having confidence in yourself and being able to encourage and support other strong women. 

P: Who is one woman that inspires you? What would you say to them if they were here now?

S: I would say a women that inspires me was my grandmother. My grandmother was 90 years old and always was dressed extravagantly – you would never find her in sweatpants haha! She had a love of life and was always interested in her grandkids. She had the best laugh and everybody loved her. She was a good friend to many and truly cared about others. She has given me a great example of how I want to treat my friends. I just lost her this summer and she will be greatly missed because we always had such fun times with her, but everything I have learned from her will be with me forever. 



