
People explain their own behavior as a product of the situation while we explain other’s behavior as a disposition. This basically boils down to how we judge others. I try to remember this and give people the benefit of the doubt.
— Michelle Treglia

Michelle is a reliable friend and hilarious company to keep. She is always looking for ways to help and encourage others — putting kindness and compassion on the forefront of all she does. She is versatile and goal-oriented, continually striving to reach her full potential, whether it be learning the latest Tik Tok dance or trying out a new sport. Her fun-loving attitude, curiosity, and positive outlook on life make her well equipped for any challenge or new experience. Meet Michelle. This is her story.


K: Please introduce yourself!

M: Hi, I’m Michelle! I’m 25 years old from Fairfield, CT. I’m a proud high school graduate from Warde (shoutout to my other mustangs who have already done this) and college graduate from Trinity. I’m currently in the middle of switching jobs to be a recruiter at Bridgewater Associates. I’m a sister, daughter, friend, and girlfriend. I like to think I’m funny, athletic (or used to be anyway), and definitely an extrovert. I enjoy binge watching any and all tv shows, meeting new people, and going on long walks while listening to bachelor podcasts.


K: Describe yourself in your own words

M: This is a hard question because for so much of my life I always described myself as an “athlete.” I grew up playing soccer, basketball, and softball which pretty much consumed my entire life (and I loved every second of it). As I got older I had to focus my time and skills so I decided to only pursue basketball and softball in high school and then eventually just played softball in college. Any time I was asked about myself my first thought was always “athlete.” Now, that question is a little harder since I no longer play competitive sports. It’s interesting because being an athlete describes what I did but not who I am. So now that you’re asking me to describe myself I guess I’ll say that I am outgoing, fun, a self proclaimed morale booster, LOUD, and an overall bubbly person.


K: What is your favourite thing about yourself?

M: My favorite thing about myself is my ability to have a good time wherever I go. As I mentioned before, I like to think of myself as a self proclaimed morale booster. I always love to have a good time and want others to have a good time too!

K: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that’s defined you or made you stronger?

M: There is one lesson I learned in my intro to social psychology class that I think about often. We were taught about the fundamental attribution error and this random lesson made me see the world and others differently. The definition of the fundamental attribution error is, according to Professor Outten, that people explain their own behavior as a product of the situation while we explain other’s behavior as a disposition. This basically boils down to how we judge others. I try to remember this and give people the benefit of the doubt. It is definitely hard but I try to refer back to this simple lesson to think of people and their actions in a different way.


K: What is one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?

M: Don’t be so hard on yourself!!!!!!!

K: Who is one woman that inspires you? What would you say to her if she were here now?

M: My sister Gina has always been my #1. She is the most caring and thoughtful human on this planet. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her infectious positive personality. I’m with her right now and just told her I love her!



