“[I would tell my younger self] to let myself just grow into my own, and everything will fall into place the way it’s supposed to.”
Melissa is an artist and a story teller. Music has become more than just a passion for her; it has transcended into a career path in which she gets to share her love for the art form in a new light. She is as detail-oriented as she is family-oriented, and she never sweats the small stuff. Meet Melissa. This is her story.
Check out Melissa’s music on both of her Spotify accounts — Melissa Wasserman and Wass (under which her August EP was released).
K: Please introduce yourself!
M: My name is Melissa Wasserman, I’m a 24 year old music therapist and singer/songwriter just trying to figure life out like everyone else! I’m an aspiring artist still trying to figure out my sound, and I write songs all the time. I love my job where I get to use music to connect with children with special needs who make my job so fulfilling. I love to travel (when it’s safe of course), I love dogs and I love food (I’m a closeted foodie). I currently live in New York City, a place I never thought I’d live. That’s my basic introduction. I’ve never been good at these but I figured I can start simple here and dive deeper later on.
K: Describe yourself in your own words
M: Initially when I read this question I thought it would be easy, but now I’m reading it and all I can think is....woah, this is deep. I guess a few words I would use to describe myself would be friendly, emotional, empathetic, silly, and caring. I’m a songwriter and a story teller, I care deeply about my close friends and family and I would say I am a reliable friend. I’m also an observer; I’ve always felt like I’ve noticed details about people and things around me growing up; I’ll often remember small little things about people, or remember specific things people say (if that makes sense). It’s a weird quirk of mine but it comes in handy!
K: What is your favorite thing about yourself?
M: I think my compassion and willingness to be there for others is something I have recognized and appreciated about myself more recently. I love my ability to connect with and get along with other people so easily. I am proud of myself for where I am today. I grew up feeling extremely insecure about myself in every way (musically, physically, emotionally, etc.) but what girl isn’t in their growing years? I’m proud of the self assurance and confidence I’ve built up over the years.
K: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that’s defined you or made you stronger?
M: I can honestly say I’ve had many; but the big one that comes to mind is the obvious one, to people who know me well. My older sister, Jessica, passed away when I was 5 years old. She had many health complications during her short 8 years of life, and sadly I don’t have many vivid memories of her. I do, however, know that she absolutely shaped who I am as a person today. Not only is she the reason I chose the path of Music Therapy, but she made my family stronger and closer than ever. They are my rock, my best friends, and the people who inspire me every day.
K: What is one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?
M: Do your thing!! Tell yourself that you’re awesome!! It’s so sad when I think about my teenage years and how obsessed I was with looking a certain way, being a certain way...even with my music, I knew I had some level of talent but I always doubted myself, because I couldn’t belt or do a million runs. I would tell myself that it’s okay to not be perfect and I don’t ever need to be! And to let myself just grow into my own, and everything will fall into place the way it’s supposed to.
K: What does being a woman mean to you?
M: Wow, another deep question! Being a woman to me means being empowered, being a badass, being independent and loving yourself. Women are incredible...we’ve really got it all (sorry to the men reading this). I could say more but I have a feeling I don’t need to. :)
K: Who is one woman that inspires you? What would you say to her if she were here now?
M: Okay...yes you guessed it, it’s my Mom. But if you think about it, Moms are the women who raise us, they’re our first female role models, and they shape the people we are today. My mom’s strength, independence, creativity, and ability to not care about what others think always inspires me. She reminds me not to sweat the small stuff, to always be grateful and to do what makes me happy. I will always be grateful to her and my dad (my male inspiration) who never questioned or rejected the idea of me wanting to pursue music as a career (Though they definitely aren’t mad that I found music therapy as a nice day job, hahaha). The love, understanding and patience I’ve been given from my Mom (and whole family) throughout my life is something I hope to give to my children one day
Follow Melissa’s musical journey here.