
To me a woman is strong and delicate at the same time. Empowers and inspires other women not just herself. She is sexy and not afraid of it or apologetic for it. And most importantly she is FREE to be her true self without having to justify it or explain it to others.
— Lizette Muñoz

Lizette puts her all into everything that she does, from her relationships to her education and career. Being the first to graduate college in her family, she was able to forge her own path through her perseverance, meticulousness, and goal-oriented vision. Her drive and passionate energy have not only gotten her far in her professional life, but have also allowed her to travel to and experience a multitude of places and cultures. Meet Lizette. This is her story.


K: Please introduce yourself!

L: Hi, my name is Lizette Muñoz I am 30 years old. I identify myself as a Mexican American woman. I am a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst and I work with special needs individuals changing and shaping socially significant behaviors for a better quality of life.

In my free time, or (more like when I make free time), I like to travel and see new places. I have a hunger for seeing the world and its beauty all around. Whether it’s in my own backyard or far away, there is always somewhere new to explore and experience. I am very drawn to nature and different cultures and that’s what incites me to go to different places.

I am a very emotional individual and I am drawn to human encounters that make a life lasting impression and change in my life.

I am very social for periods of times, but then need my recharging time in silence and alone.

I love taking photos of nature and of my endeavors while traveling.

I love hiking and being in nature, it’s my true happy place.

I am always looking for a sunset.

From time to time I like to travel alone. It allows me to be selfish and enjoy things my way.

I am the youngest of four and come from immigrant parents.

I have an addictive personality. Once I like something, I pretty much love it.

I am very, very, passionate and I get excited about the small things, I LOVE sharing my thoughts and excitement with others in hopes they can feel what I am feeling.

I am very detailed oriented and have high levels of discipline and expect that from others.


K: Describe yourself in your own words

L: I am a very strong minded/opinionated individual. I like to set goals and have high levels of discipline to achieve them, even when that has meant overworking myself. I take failure hard. Therefore, I work extremely hard to know I truly gave it my all. I don’t like excuses, if you want something you will do it! With that being said, my biggest weaknesses include overthinking and being afraid of change. I call it my balance, because once I am able to pass that phase, I am able to focus on my next goal with tenacity. I don’t know, it’s just the way my brain works.

K: What is your favourite thing about yourself?

L: Personality wise, that I am adventurous, always on the go and that I am EXTREMELY PASSIONATE.
Physical feature: my smile, I love my smile and I love to smile!


K: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that’s defined you or made you stronger?

L: Becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst has definitely been a defining journey in my life. I have invested a big part of my life to school/work/career related steps. Being the first one in my family to attend college and get this far on a professional level has been something I wanted to do for my parents and to set the trails for my nieces. I wanted to make sure my parents’ efforts to come to this country were not in vain and I wanted to make them proud.

With that being said, it has not been easy as first a generation graduate level student. It has taught me the discipline needed to be able to set those trails alone with no one to follow or help me through it. Passing my certification exam taught me how dedicated I really can be and how far I can go. After I passed that test to which I had dedicated years to be able to be a candidate for, I better know my capacities. That moment was the most defining moment in my life. I have always been called “smart” for doing all I have, but in reality, it is my discipline, tenacity, and dedication what allowed me to do these things on my own. In fact, I struggle to learn, and I work double to grasp concepts but because of the hard work I have put in, I am stronger.


K: What is one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?

L: Oh goodness, don’t be afraid kid.... you will be GREAT, you will do and experience great things. Bad times, heart breaks, and hard times are only temporary. Life is beautiful all around the world, go out and see that and let that be your biggest source of knowledge.

K: What does being a woman mean to you?

L: To me a woman is strong and delicate at the same time. Empowers and inspires other women not just herself. She is sexy and not afraid of it or apologetic for it. And most importantly she is FREE to be her true self without having to justify it or explain it to others.


K: Who is one woman that inspires you? What would you say to her if she were here now?

L: My mom, cliché I know! But I cannot think of anyone else who I have the outmost respect for. She is the strongest and the most selfless woman I know. She never complains even when she is sick and tired. She always shows concern when she doesn’t have to anymore. She isn’t the most affectionate person, but her love language is making the sacrifices for her family even when she is not asked to. And all I can say is a simple, sincere heart felt “thank you” and “I truly hope I have made you proud, I am extremely lucky to have you.”


Ni Pears

