
With every baby labor I felt like my power level increased, like I added a spiritual ab, or something. It’s not just a mom thing, because this power is in every woman. It’s graciousness; a tenderness, a restrained fierceness that comes out when needed.
— Jaci Terjeson

Jaci is a mother of three by day and a stand-up comedian by night, undoubtedly mastering the realm of multi-tasking. Humor has helped her cope with and overcome some of the most difficult chapters in her life, making her resilient in times of adversity. She is a champion for women in the world of comedy, successfully paralleling personal experiences with punchlines. Meet Jaci. This is her story.


K: Please introduce yourself!

J: I'm Jaci Terjeson, I'm a stand-up comedian from Tacoma, Washington. I'm a hardworking mother to three beautiful babies, and a wife to a smoking hot, musician husband.

K: Describe yourself in your own words

J: I'm always stronger than I think. I'm incredibly passionate, but sometimes to a fault. I get crazy tunnel vision when I'm passionate about something — which is great for the project I'm working on, but not always great for every other aspect of my life. I'm working on it! ;) I'm kind, hardworking, and girl, I JUST WANNA HAVE FUN! I'm constantly navigating being present with my affinity for daydreaming and future planning. I have giant goals and plans for me and my family and I'm constantly thinking about and working towards those goals. When I can park my crazy thoughts for a hot minute, I enjoy being in the moment, soaking in the life around me, and meditating on how grateful I am for all I have. 


K: What is your favorite thing about yourself?

J: My favorite thing about myself is that I can make anything fun. I relish awkward or hard moments because I love laughing at them from the outside. I can be a very objective person which helps me get insight and strategy about how to fix hard things. It also helps me find perspective pretty quickly and let things roll off my back easily. That way there is more time for FUN! Basically I'm a giant party in a bod. By that I mean, if you have me over, your house will be destroyed, but you'll love that memory for the rest of your life. 

K: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that’s defined you or made you stronger?

J: I struggled hard with postpartum anxiety after I had my first two kids. They were only 18 months apart so I was still trying to figure out baby life when my second was born. I was a mess. Angry, tired, and so disappointed in myself (even though I was kicking ass!) I started stand-up comedy in the thick of it! Comedy, therapy and faith helped me pull out of the spiral I was in. I learned that it's ok to not be ok. I've also learned to take a breath and pause when you need it. You aren't going to miss anything. Take care of yourself and the rest of your world will operate easier. Looking back now I am so incredibly proud of myself for establishing a loving home (along with the help of my smokin' hot partner), for my babies to grow up in and for pursuing my dreams in comedy at the same time. 


K: What is one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?

J: You're awesome, stay unfiltered and stop procrastinating. I used to think I was too much because I had so much energy and loved to laugh. I felt like I overwhelmed people too much so I would filter myself. Now I feel the most free I've ever felt. When I became a comedian I was like, "Oh, this is what my brain was made for!" It has been an incredibly validating experience for me and has helped me to embrace myself more fully. Also, stop procrastinating and your anxiety will be cut in half instantly! Just do the damn thing!

K: What does being a woman mean to you?

J: Being a woman to me is all about strength and the way that strength empowers you to treat others. When I embrace my womanhood I feel this overwhelming sense of power and a responsibility to use it in a way that uplifts and spotlights those around me. Maybe that's partly because I spend all of my days wiping butts and mouths. (Not in that order ;)) With every baby labor I felt like my power level increased, like I added a spiritual ab, or something. It's not just a mom thing, because this power is in every woman. It's graciousness; a tenderness, a restrained fierceness that comes out when needed. What I'm saying is that being a woman is badass. What can't we do?!


K: Who is one woman that inspires you? What would you say to her if she were here now?

J: I'm super inspired by all the moms out there who are doing comedy. It can be a brutal grind. When you have so many puzzle pieces to get in place before you can even walk out the door to do an open mic, it can get exhausting. So I love to see people like Amy Schumer, Ali Wong and Paula Poundstone excel at the craft while navigating and enjoying family life. They are able to make their whole identity not just about being a mom, but they show depth and range in their comedy, and that's my goal. Basically I want to have it all. Can I have it all now, please? Thank you. 

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