“I feel that we have a responsibility to lift each other up and love one another.”
Estelle is a free spirit whose sense of adventure drives her every move. She always remains calm in the face of a crisis, even when COVID-19 put oceans between her and her family, when she hitchhiked across the outback of Australia or when immigration stood between her and her partner. She is resilient, and doesn’t let anything or anyone stop her from following her heart and her passions.
For Estelle, happiness lies in the accumulation of stamps in her passport, the smell of the ocean and in those she meets around the globe. This is her story.
Estelle at Moraine Lake, Alberta, Canada (In this she’s travelling, or in her happy place)
P: Please introduce yourself!
E: My name is Estelle Barnett. I’m a 26 year old Canadian who lives all over the place. I’m a very creative, artsy person who loves to explore. I’m also someone who stays connected through meditation and by surrounding myself with the ocean or a calming place.
P: How do you spend most of your days?
E: I’d have to say my persistence of never giving up and always looking at the positives in any situation that comes my way.
P: Tell us a story! What is something you have experienced that has shaped who you are today?
E: A couple years ago I got on a plane to move to Australia on my own. This was such a huge turning point and moment of growth for me. Before this, I had always been the kind of person that had a plan and never traveled on my own. This solo traveling I did for nine months really allowed me to learn about my self and understand who I am as a person. It gave me the confidence I had never had to not be afraid, to take risks and just go with the flow of life!
P: Who is one woman that inspires you? And what would you say to her if she was right here with you now?
E: My Mom is the one that inspires me every day. I’d want to tell her how proud I am of her, and that she is one of the strongest and most caring people I know. I’d also want to tell her that I will always be there for her.
P: What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
E: I’d say to love myself and not to be afraid of being who you are. At the end of the day we are all so strong and beautiful…both inside and out!
P: What does being a woman mean to you?
E: It means love because we should all be lifting one another up! As women we are so in touch with our feelings that I feel we have a responsibility to lift each other up and love one another.