
Everything will come to pass as its meant to, even, and especially if it sucks. Don’t be hard on yourself about it and it will be easier to be less hard on other people.
— Chelsea Burns

Chelsea is a free spirit with an open mind, and an open heart. She’s always keen to try new things, move to new places and welcome new people in. She is someone who is guided by compassion rather than judgement. Meet Chelsea. This is her story.

Chelsea with puppies, on her small island (her happy place)

Chelsea with puppies, on her small island (her happy place)

P: Please introduce yourself!

C: Hi my name is Chelsea Burns

P: Describe or define yourself in your own words.

C: I often get the words free spirited and funny thrown my way, I’ll own them today :)

P: What is your favourite thing about yourself?

C: That I was born on a beautiful small island. When you think about how many people are in the world, what are the chances!

P: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that has defined you or made you stronger?

C: My brother died in an accident while I was in my mid 20’s. I wouldn’t say it defines me but it definitely threw my life for a loop and made me very insightful, empathetic, and strong.


P: What is one piece of advice you’d give your younger self?

C: Everything will come to pass as its meant to, even, and especially if it sucks. Don’t be hard on yourself about it and it will be easier to be less hard on other people.

P: What does being a woman mean to you?

C: Right now it means having a period! I realize that doesn’t define women but I’ve just been loving my cycle the past few years. I follow how it lines up with the moon, I can feel myself ovulate when I pay attention, and have my own rituals for when my flow starts. I love how much more fired up or emotional I get before it comes and I love the permission I’ve learned to give myself to relax and be easy those first few days. As I reach a time in my life where having kids will be on the table I look forward to connecting more deeply with this small part of my womanhood


P: Who is one woman that inspires you? What would you say to her if she were here now?

C: Frida Kahlo. Te quiero chica. Me encanta tu espíritu.



