“So many incredible women in history have stood up for the rights I currently have, so to me, being a woman is to honour them by continuing to stand up for those rights and the rights of future individuals who identify as women. ”
The moment I met Becca I knew she was someone I wanted in my corner. She is one of the most genuine people I have ever met; she is someone you can count on for anything. Becca takes everything in, whether it be from a book, a course, or a conversation. She is a strong listener who is always looking to learn how she can be a better ally or advocate for a brighter, more sustainable, and equitable future. Though she is thoughtful and calm, she is also incredibly animated and adventurous. She navigates life with passion, radiance, and authenticity. Becca is someone who leaves a positive impression on everyone she meets. This is her story.
Becca, exploring New Zealand (her happy place)
P: Please introduce yourself!
B: My name is Becca Gillett and I am 23 years old. I am from Canada, but recently moved to New Zealand to live with my kiwi partner. Last year I graduated from a degree in psychology and I currently work as a Research Associate at a think tank aiming to use digital technology to encourage public engagement with democracy. I am particularly interested in policy related to climate change and environmental conservation. I do not have a clear career path yet, but I want to make my own small dent in the world’s problems, and inspire some others to do the same.
P: Describe or define yourself in your own words.
B: I am someone who values kindness and compassion, who enjoys working to improve myself, and who is happiest when I am a part of a community. I can lack self assurance at times and, like many people I can be self critical. I also have the tendency to misplace my things, and am often running 5 minutes late.
P: What is your favourite thing about yourself?
B: I have tried writing this out 5 times in an attempt not to sound narcissistic, but my favourite thing about myself is that I really value kindness.
P: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that’s defined you or made you stronger?
B: When I was 16 my mom went through a loss. She was absolutely heartbroken. Before then I had only seen my mom cry a handful of times, but when she told me while we were sitting in the car she broke down sobbing. The next few years I saw in detail her fight to remake her life and to feel whole again. She fought the depression and self doubt and overwhelming pain every step of the way with a determination to continue self care despite all those emotions. It was strange having to take care of her when up until that point it had been the opposite, but it actually strengthened our relationship because I realized she was human, and needed taking care of just as much as I did.
That experience also made me realize that life can be really confusing and hurtful even when you’ve been married 20 years with kids, that there was probably going to be some unexpected experiences in my life that would hurt me as well. As scary as that can feel sometimes, seeing who my mom has become over the past 7 years makes me feel more confident that I will be able to face those difficulties as well.
P: What is one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?
B: Don’t be so afraid to put yourself out there. I probably could still benefit from that advice.
P: What does being a woman mean to you?
B: To me, being a woman is about community and history.
Community, because being a woman means supporting and being motivated by each other. I am motivated and supported by the strong women in my life, and in turn do what I can to lift up other women in my life.
History because the opportunities and rights that I currently have are because of women in the past who fought for our community. So many incredible women in history have stood up for the rights I currently have, so to me, being a woman is to honour them by continuing to stand up for those rights and the rights of future individuals who identify as women.
P: Who is one woman that inspires you? What would you say to her if she were here now?
B: My sister inspires me. She is a really beautiful person. If she was here now I would tell her that her strength of will and her incredibly vast ability to make others feel cared for are skills I strive for.