
You can change your opinion on something or state that you’re wrong and that’s okay. You’re human, you don’t have to be right all the time, you aren’t required to have all the answers.
— Alysha Cho

Alysha’s imaginative outlook and passionate drive are characteristics she carries into her array of hobbies, from baking to vlogging on YouTube. When it comes to video content, she is looking to find her niche and has been posting lifestyle content on her channel, taking viewers along in her day-to-day. She is someone who is all-in when pursuing her interests, and seamlessly shifts into new projects with the urge to succeed at them. As an empath, she puts kindness on the forefront of all she does, always willing to take the time to understand the perspectives and experiences of others. Meet Alysha. This is her story.

K: Please introduce yourself!

A: Hello! My name is Alysha, I am from Canada and I am 25 years old. Currently, I’m in school for Business Administration, majoring into HR Management. This is my second time in college! I graduated about five years ago for Professional Baking and worked within the baking industry for two years before I decided that something was missing. I’m extremely passionate about everything I do in life which guides my journey on my ever-changing career path.

When I’m not working or focusing on school, I love to play with my two bunnies, Benji and Hugo, and I also enjoy my new passion of vlogging! I still love baking from time to time and enjoy crocheting during the chillier months as well. My goals in life would be to dream big, stay realistic, and be mindful that we’re not superhuman.

K: Describe or define yourself in your own words.

A: I would describe myself as a hard working individual. When I set my heart on something, I love it and enjoy it, and do my best to succeed at it. I find that my passions are always overflowing. I go through phases of putting all my eggs into one basket, then transferring them to a new one, then placing them back in the old one. Although I don’t find myself to be very creative, my hobbies all include elements of creativity. I guess you can say I prefer to be a mix-n-match copycat. But isn’t that how inspiration works in the first place?  Taking all the pieces you love, learning from them, and making them your own!

I’m also very determined, self-conscious, and mindful. I love having a playful side and being able to balance that out with my serious and strict demeanor.

K: What is your favorite thing about yourself?

A: My favourite thing about myself would be my talents. Ever since I was young, I’ve loved creating, crafting, doing anything with my hands really! Being able to gather so many different talents from being a barista, to sewing, to being a lash tech for a small time, has been a never-ending journey. Within the past few years I’ve also picked up more public speaking knacks that are still nerve-wracking but very handy! I’m also extremely empathetic and that’s something I hope I continue to grow and never change. Insights can do wonders to perspective.

K: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that’s defined you or made you stronger?

A: Looking back, life wasn’t always easy, but of course people love to compared your problems to the bigger picture and remind you that your problems are insignificant. I don’t believe that should be the norm. It’s great to remind people of the bigger picture, but your small cuts and bruises can define you just as much as your big experiences.

I was always bullied when I was younger, especially in middle school. There were days I would go home crying, I fell into a depression, and would sleep the evenings and nights away for months. I tried to justify their actions by jokingly stating how “I was weird” or “I wouldn’t be friends with me either.” But it carried with me for a long time until I realized that it wasn’t my fault they were mean to me. It’s taken years of backlash from people stating how bullying is so insignificant to realize how to properly heal and grow stronger. It may be a small piece of my life, but it’s lasted over a decade of reliving the memories through dreams and flashbacks. But learning what helps me heal, how to understand everyone’s approach to a situation, and looking at all sides, not just one, has helped me grow stronger and empathize greater.

K: What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?

A: You can change your opinion on something or state that you’re wrong and that’s okay. You’re human, you don’t have to be right all the time, you aren’t required to have all the answers.

K: What does being a woman mean to you?

A: Being a woman means having a voice, having power, and having the ability to look back and know we fought for our own rights. How amazing is that? Once upon a time, we were merely seen as figures to produce a family and raise said family. Now you can see women in all types of positions around the world. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to simply be a homemaker (as I aspired to be growing up and was mocked by many women in different careers for) and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be the CEO of the next biggest company. It’s wonderful to see the movement of women supporting other women and I’m proud to be living and contributing to such a beautiful movement.



