Sharing the stories of women everywhere,
through their own words.
Most Recent Stories
Maia is a passionate advocate in the health and wellness space, channeling her roots in holistic practices and traditional Māori perspectives to guide her.
Marama Davidson, a fearless leader, has been tirelessly pushing for positive social change in Aotearoa (New Zealand) as the Co-Leader of the Green Party for the last five years.
Simi Sara is an award-winning journalist, the host of 980 CKNW’s "Mornings with Simi," and a devoted mother of two.
About 365
At 365, we are two millennials who are passionate about amplifying women’s voices and celebrating their stories. In 2021, we decided to share the stories of 365 women in 365 days (hence our name). Our project began as a love letter to those within our community but then grew to have a global reach. We have interviewed authors, politicians, actors, musicians, scientists, athletes, doctors, entrepreneurs, models, mothers, grandmothers, and more! We are focused on celebrating the stories of everyday women everywhere, no matter who they are or what they do. Our mission is creating space for women to take up space. Join us on our journey.